Every 6 years, the church is required to prepare a brand new electoral roll. This will take place this year in 2025.
The formal notice that we are preparing a new roll can be viewed here
Who can apply?
To apply for the Electoral Roll you must be baptised, over the age of 16 and either living in the parish or have been worshipping at St. Peter’s for a minimum of 6 months.
How do I apply?
Please download and complete this form and return it c/o St Peter’s Church, Breech Lane, Walton-on-the-Hill, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 7SD by Monday 24th March at the latest. If delivering by hand, please use the letterbox on the door to the church office (follow the path left from the main church door). Alternatively, the completed form can be scanned and returned by email to admin@stpeterswoth.org
Why should I join?
You can be a full and active member of St. Peter’s without joining the Roll. Being on the Electoral Roll does not entail signing up to any additional commitments, however, it does help the Church show its strength. Representation on the governing bodies of the church depends on the number on the Electoral Roll.
Joining the Roll is compulsory if you wish to:
In accordance with the rules, the new roll will be displayed on the church notice board for 14 days before our Annual Church Meeting (APCM), which is scheduled for Sunday 11th May.
If you have any questions, please contact our Electoral Roll Officer, John Renshaw via the email admin@speterswoth.org